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What is Maryland Case Search?

Posted by Jerry Williams | Aug 08, 2022 | 0 Comments

Maryland Judiciary Casesearch is a website that provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. Access to the records is governed by the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records.

Zoom Hearings Begin in Family Cases in Baltimore City Circuit Court

Posted by Jerry Williams | Mar 04, 2021 | 0 Comments

Beginning March 3, 2021, Circuit Court for Baltimore City has rolled out Zoom hearings for family law cases and trials. Previously hearings were held by phone which proved difficult to present evidence, witness testimony, or then simply rescheduled for another date that the court believed they would reopen. Now the rollout has begun and Zoom trials may continue through early summer 2021.

Affordable Representation: Unbundled Legal Services

Posted by Jerry Williams | Nov 13, 2018 | 0 Comments

When looking for more affordable representation options, you might stumble upon or consider unbundled legal services. Unbundled representation which is also known as limited scope services or discrete task representation may help you save hundreds or thousands of dollars on legal fees. The law of...
