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Baltimore Divorce Lawyer

Absolute Divorce

Absolute Divorce is a final ending to the marriage, and allows for the complete dissolution of the marriage. Upon a finding of absolute divorce, courts will divide marital property, debt, child custody, support, visitation and any issues related to the marriage. 

Grounds for filing an Absolute Divorce include:

  • Separation for a period of 6 months, or longer 
  • Irreconcilable Differences
  • Mutual Consent

What is Limited Divorce?

A limited divorce in Maryland used to be distinguished from an absolute divorce. However Maryland stopped the use of a Limited Divorce, and only allows for an Absolute Divorce. 

Law Office of Jerry Williams III, is conveniently located in Annapolis, Maryland with remote offices in Baltimore City and Towson. We represent and advise clients in divorce across the State of Maryland including Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Montgomery, Harford, Howard, and Prince George's County. Contact our office today to set up a consultation.
